APK DECOMPILER ONLINE is a full service android development studio that offers apk decompiling services. Use the 24/7 available live chat below to get in touch with us, our average response time is 5 minutes.

What We Do

APK Decompiler Online is a one stop shop for all your decompiling and android programming needs

APK Decompiler Online

We have professional android developers that are ready to help you decompile your apk files, either its a simple file or a complex one, we will always come through for you.

Code Modifications

You have your source code already and maybe you also need to modify some parts of the elements, perhaps you need to upload it to playstore and need a unique design. Contact us.


Do you have a fresh app idea that you would like to bring to reality, we are here for you. Get in touch with apk decompiler online, our average response time is 5 minutes.

APK Decompiler Online
iOS App Development
iMac App modifications
iMac App Development
Chrome store app development
Web Apps and Development

Recent Work

Here you can browse through some of our recent services

Apktool - Free APK Decompiler Online

It is a tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps. Apktool can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications and makes possible to debug small code step by step. Also you can work with apps easier because of project-like files structure and automation of some repetitive tasks like building apk, etc.

This is NOT intended for piracy and other non-legal uses. It could be used for localizing, adding some features or support for custom platforms and other GOOD purposes. Just try to be fair with authors of an app, that you use and probably like.

LeafApp Infinite

Another hobby stat site for another Halo game


  • master – Branch off it. Must be stable.


  1. PHP8.1
  2. Node + Yarn installed
  3. MariaDB 10.4+
  4. Composer installed.
  5. cp .env.example .env
  6. composer install
  7. yarn install
  8. php artisan key:generate
  9. php artisan migrate
  10. yarn run dev
  11. php artisan serve



    HaloDepot serves a point to support patch formats that have additional metadata that can produce a screenshot, description of mod, stored, indexed and can also be made available legally.


    PandaLove was a website devoted to tracking our weekly raid Tuesdays, PVP destruction and more in Destiny. It quickly grew to be more than that supporting now 3 full games (Destiny, Halo 5 & Overwatch) with countless plugins from Xbox API, Google Hangouts, Calendar and more.

    Let’s Work Together

    Need APK Decompiler Online service? use the 24/7 available live chat below to get in touch with us. We are currently online and our average response time is 5 minutes.